Sunday, September 03, 2006

Labor Day Eve: 2006

What I did: Went to finally see both Superman Returns and then right afterwards, Pirates of the Caribbean 2

Result: Didn’t really care for either of them.

First thought: Kitty Kowalski (Lex Luthor’s moll) is a poor substitute for Miss Tessmacher. (MISS TESSMACHERRRRRRRRR!) Also, Kitty ripped off a joke from Miss Tessmacher - along the lines of Lex asking, "Do you know what my father used to say to me?" Kitty/Miss Tessmacher: "Get out?"

Common thread that I’ll remember about the two: The comedic possibility of having to eat a dog – Superman: Lex Luthor stranded on a desert island with Kitty and the dog she carried around. Pirates: A dog belonging to two pirates captured by a cannibal tribe to be used as a substitute for the escaped Captain Jack Sparrow.

Weird coincidence driving/arriving home: Commercial on the radio of a guy with an Australian (ala Steve Irwin) accent talking about bargain hunting for back to school. A local computer repair place in town also uses an Australian called the Virus Hunter in their ads. First thoughts when I hear these commercials: Isn’t Crocodile Hunter kind of a passé thing to parody? After getting home and looking at Google News, I learn that Steve Irwin is also passé. He was unfortunately killed by a stingray while diving and filming a new documentary.


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