Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like the War on Xmas

Okay, Brothers and Sisters, we liberals have to be ahead of our game this year. We've been exposed by Bill "Phonesex" O'Reilly the last couple of years so it's not worth it to keep up our underground assault on Xmas; we have to bring it out in the open now, and we need to have first strike capability.

Trivia: The abbreviation, "Xmas," is not a recent phenomenon created by greedy retailers like some would have you believe but has been around for about a 1000 years. The Greek word for Christ is Χριστο, which got itself shortened to XP, which you can see carved into various churches' icons of Christ on the cross, in many examples of ancient Christian art, and in manuscripts for the New Testament. Mas is the anglo-saxon word for religious celebration (where we get Mass in the Catholic religion probably). Putting Christ or X in front, makes it a religious celebration of Christ, like Michaelmas is a celebration for St. Michael. Anyway, don't let conservatives know this. Their insistence that we're "crossing out the Christ in Christmas" will only help our cause, comrades.

So, back to the War on Xmas. We need to get started early before they can get their defenses up. It's just now the first day of Fall that I'm posting this - an excellent time to begin as the Fall Equinox plays in nicely with various Wiccan and Pagan religions. Here's what I've pledged to do.

Once again, buy all my Xmas gifts on eBay from individuals. This will keep money out of the hands of the big retailers - both the ones who have Holiday/Xmas Sales (unfortunately) and the ones who have Christmas Sales (good). But the overall drop in holiday shopping at these retailers will confuse or anger conservatives for 1. Not supporting their retailers and 2. For just not supporting their version of capitalism.

Since my Xmas shopping will be done by November, I'll have a lot of free time that I can spend by going to various retailers like Toys R Us and counting the number of pro-Bush bumperstickers on the cars in the parking lot. If there's a sufficient number, I'll walk in and go to the front of the store and yell, "I've had my Xmas shopping done for the last 5 weeks, suckas! East side rules!" before hastily exiting.

Not only only will I be wishing everyone, "Happy Holidays," but I'll also be doing it in Spanish. This will cause double hit points on O'Reilly and make him cry.

Trivia: Holiday is from the old English, "Halig Daeg" or Holy Day. In fact, just look at the word... Holiday... Holi day... Holy Day. Der-hay. Once again, don't let the conservatives know.

So there you have it, comrades, once Xmas is ours, we move on to taking all the joy out of other days of celebration that used to have religious connotation - starting with St. Valentine's Day (easy since there are so many people who hate it because they don't have a special someone or that special someone always screws it up) and then St. Patrick's Day (a lot harder, but the rumor that we'll plant that the green dye in the beer comes from Spinach laced with e-Coli will surely strike a huge blow for our cause).

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Labor Day Eve: 2006

What I did: Went to finally see both Superman Returns and then right afterwards, Pirates of the Caribbean 2

Result: Didn’t really care for either of them.

First thought: Kitty Kowalski (Lex Luthor’s moll) is a poor substitute for Miss Tessmacher. (MISS TESSMACHERRRRRRRRR!) Also, Kitty ripped off a joke from Miss Tessmacher - along the lines of Lex asking, "Do you know what my father used to say to me?" Kitty/Miss Tessmacher: "Get out?"

Common thread that I’ll remember about the two: The comedic possibility of having to eat a dog – Superman: Lex Luthor stranded on a desert island with Kitty and the dog she carried around. Pirates: A dog belonging to two pirates captured by a cannibal tribe to be used as a substitute for the escaped Captain Jack Sparrow.

Weird coincidence driving/arriving home: Commercial on the radio of a guy with an Australian (ala Steve Irwin) accent talking about bargain hunting for back to school. A local computer repair place in town also uses an Australian called the Virus Hunter in their ads. First thoughts when I hear these commercials: Isn’t Crocodile Hunter kind of a passé thing to parody? After getting home and looking at Google News, I learn that Steve Irwin is also passé. He was unfortunately killed by a stingray while diving and filming a new documentary.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ferrets Like Magic

So I was down on the floor playing with my ferrets - Sneakers and Socks (don't blame me for the names - I got them from a family who couldn't care for them anymore). Socks had grabbed a plastic doo-hickey that I took away from him. Of course he wanted it back so I showed it to him in my left hand, reached over with my right and "took it." In reality, I French-Dropped it (magic trick move). I moved my right hand away from my left, which I put on my leg in a natural position while palming the doohickey. He followed my right, and I opened it and showed him the doohickey had vanished.

He looked at my right then to my left hand and back to my right and then up at me for just a second then bounced off to go find something else to play with.

My first thought was, "Wow, that was a very human reaction to a magic trick. Kind of smart of Socks to quasi-realize I was tricking him even if he didn't figure it out."

My second thought was, "I'm doing magic tricks for ferrets. What has my life become?"

The Last Horoscope You'll Ever Need

And unlike any other horoscope - in any newspaper, given by any psychic, tarot card reader, etc. - this one is 100% accurate.

Aries - You're gonna die
Taurus - You're gonna die
Gemini - You're gonna die
Cancer - You're gonna die
Leo - You're gonna die
Virgo - You're gonna die
Libra - You're gonna die
Scorpio - You're gonna die
Sagitarius - You're gonna die
Capricorn - You're gonna die
Aquarius - You're gonna die
Pisces - You're gonna die

You're welcome.